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热门关键词: 移动推拉篷 钢化玻璃和钢结构 固定停车篷








来源:https://www.lantianpengmo.com/ 日期:2024-05-14 发布人:


The development prospects of retractable sheds


Although retractable sheds are a relatively traditional manufacturing industry, their development cannot continue with the traditional model, otherwise it would not be possible to develop. Now is a market economy, and the dominance of the market is relatively strong, so it is important to cater to the market. There are two aspects to catering to the market: products and marketing methods. Below, we will provide a specific introduction to the development direction of its equipment from these two aspects.


From a product perspective, telescopic sheds belong to the manufacturing industry, producing equipment rather than consumables. Therefore, the practicality of the product is very important, and the equipment needs to bring value to customers. The value of equipment is to provide customers with a relatively good space for production and life, so product stability is very important. Additionally, the flexibility requirements of equipment are relatively high, so its use is relatively convenient and simple. Only by enabling customers to master the use of equipment in a short period of time can they meet the standards.



From a marketing perspective, the traditional advertising model used to be very rigid, and the cost was relatively high. Many small-scale manufacturers cannot accept such costs. The most common way is word-of-mouth marketing, which involves extending social relationships to receive orders. Now, with the help of the Internet, information dissemination is very fast, and the scope is wider, and the cost is lower, the way is still relatively simple.


This approach can help open up the market for retractable sheds very well, making it convenient for customers to compare prices. When there is a demand, it is easy to find services, unlike traditional models where it is more difficult to find services when there is a need.

以上就是关于 济南伸缩棚 的内容介绍了,希望可以对您有所帮助,如您有相关的需求,可联系我们进行详谈 https://www.lantianpengmo.com

The above is an introduction to the content of the telescopic shed. We hope it can be helpful to you. If you have any related needs, please contact us for further discussion https://www.lantianpengmo.com

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